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Wolfsland "Schwarzer Spiegel"
Trailer for a new "Wolfsland" movie, out on 27.02.25
ARD Wintersport "Glaskugel"
One of 7 new spots for ARD
Wolfsland "In der Schlinge"
Trailer for "Wolfsland - In der Schlinge"
BMW "Driving school"
BMW commercial with a twist
"winter experts"
Program idents for ARD "Sportschau"
Trailer for two “Wolfsland” films
Trailer "Nord Nord Mord"
Two films for the highly popular TV-series
Trailer "Mordsschwestern"
Four episodes for a friday evening TV-series
Two out of 10 episodes for the comedy series "Check Check"
Wer wenn nicht wir
Passion project for a Hamburg initiative
commercial "14 days"
Shot in Hyperbowl for BDA creative
Trailer for a special episode of the crime series
Trailer "Rubberducks"
No budget + filming while driving a car rallye
HUK Coburg "Onboarding"
Very old, but I still like it